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04 April 2011

Ancient Legend


Casts : Vincent Jiao, Wen Qing, Liu Jia, Ding Jun

Yuan Gu De Chuan Shuo/ Ancient Lagend. Chuan Shuo is primarily based on the ancient, historical as well as mythological text Shan Hai Jing, set in the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors as well as the Xia Dynasty. The series tells the history and earliest ancestry of the Chinese people (Hua Xia) and the invention of numerous things that are available today, while at the same time telling the folklore of that time period, including Nü Wa and Fu Xi, Chang E Ben Yue, Wan Wu Shan Xia De Chuan Shuo (Yu Gong), the battle between Zhu Rong and Gong Gong, Da Yu and the Great Flood, the war between the Yellow Emperor and Chi You, and much more. Yuan Gu De Chuan Shuo, on the other hand, starts from the beginning of the universe itself and is based on the ancient text Hei An Zhuan (Epic of Darkness). The series starts from the birth of Pan Gu and his creation of the universe, continuing on to the formation of the five elements, the creation of the first gods, demons, dragons, and beasts, the separation of the universe into the three worlds of Heaven, Earth, and Hell, and finally the creation of mankind and the mortal world by Nü Wa and Fu Xi, all taking place eons ago.


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