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04 April 2011

The Way Back

Casts : Ed Harris, Collin Farrel, Jin Sturgess

For his first film in seven years, Peter Weir has chosen to tell an epic tale with a panoramic sweep, in the manner of David Lean. It is "inspired" by a true story, which may unfortunately have been itself merely "inspired" by what its author claims to be the truth. Its veracity was in question even before it was put through the movie mill. This source material was a bestseller by the Polish army lieutenant Slavomir Rawicz, who was imprisoned by the Soviets after their invasion of 1939, accused of spying and sent to the Siberian gulag. In his book, he claimed that with a group of other prisoners he pulled off a daring escape during a blizzard in 1941; against incredible odds, and fired by an overwhelming need to survive, this group reportedly managed the astonishing feat of trekking thousands of miles to safety in British India. Since publication, his account has been disputed. There are suggestions that it is entirely fictional, or that Rawicz appropriated and conflated other people's apocryphal tales. Weir has reportedly added more background material with extended research and survivor interviews of his own.


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