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18 Mei 2011

Romantic Heaven

Casts : Kim Soo-ro, Kim Dong-wuk, Kim Ji-won-I, Lee Soon-jae, Sim Eun-kyeong, Im Won-hee

There are 3 stories in this movie

Min Gyu who let his beloved wife go first
This is about a man who losses his wife. The red bag which his wife kept hugging until her last breath were also gone. So, Min Gyu feels really empty because there’s nothing that can make him remember his wife. But it feels that his whife is still here, somewhere. So he decided to find the red bag that fill with the memories of his wife
Mimi who finds her cancer patient mom’s last hope
Mimi and her mom find out that her mom has cancer and she needs bone marrow. Mimi finds one, but the her mom’s and donor’s bone marrow are not really match. The percentage is only 0,001. But Mimi still looks for the donor who is also a suspect for a murderer
i Wook who meet his grandfather’s everlasting first love
Ji Wook hates his grandfhather because he forgot everything, even his own wife (Ji Wook’s grandmother). But somehow, his grandfather still remembers his first love’s name and Ji Wook feels a little bit sorry for that. One day, Ji Wook meets his grandfather’s first love accidentally and he wants to grant his grandfather’s wish to meet his first love for the last time


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