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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011


Casts : Josh Hartnett, Naomie Harris, Adam Scott

At the end of March 2001, the dot-com market went into a downward freefall, but LandShark, an Internet company run by the cocky Tom Sterling (Josh Hartnett), seemed to come through the crash still glistening with the aura of success. In August, however, the company faces serious financial troubles, and everyoneexcept for Tomseems to be coming to terms with that fact. He cruises around town in his money-green convertible, convinced that LandSharks products, which were developed by his brilliant brother, Josh (Adam Scott), are still in high demand and destined to revolutionize the future of business. Tom is right, but the road to the revolution may not look exactly like the one he has in mind.


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