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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011


Casts : Gary Weeks, Brian Tee, William Katt, Harrison Page, Chad Mathews, Cullen Douglas, Emily-Grace Murray, Mike Lutz, Branden Waits, Davis Neves, William Colquitt, Tony Weeks, Jason-Shane Scott, Tara Frix, Philip Boyd

Intertwined within it’s sci-fi action/thriller roots, at its core DEADLAND is a story of hope set in a post-apocalyptic world. After five years of searching, survivor Sean Kalos stumbles upon proof that his missing wife may still be alive in the new United Provinces. World War III’s nuclear strikes on the U.S. set the nation back 200 years, and hope is all but lost when every survivor of the war is infected by a fatal nuclear plague. What was designed to be the new rebirth has become martial law, and the Officers of the Province wield their power with cruelty. When Sean crosses them, he finds himself in the middle of a personal war, and his quest for his wife inspires hope in a land that has forgotten the meaning of the word.


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