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01 Juni 2011

Istri Boongan

VCD Original Rp 29.000

Casts : Julia Perez, Dwi Sasono, Fahrani, Jessica Iskandar

After two years never came to his parents house, Arya decided to go home bring his girlfriend who is actually not his girlfriend at his parents 30th anniversary. he is confuse due to his real girlfriend, Amara, is a career women who is not what his parent want as his wife.

The problem is that his parents think that a career women usually don’t respect their husband. Arya and Amara looking for ways to make their relationships got approval from his parents. they came up with an idea to find a fake girlfriend, after looking for sometimes they find Fani, an innocent girl who works as a saleswomen. Arya promise to Fani that he will pay 30 million Rupiah is he want to be his fake girlfriend for a month. Fani accept his offer to pay her mother debt who is suffering from disease and make her to deal with loan shark.

Arya and Fani go to magelang. Has time goes by there was so much things has been done by Fani, until someday Amara come to magelang to meet Arya and his family. Arya as surprised and asked Amara not to tell the truth but Amara tell everything that makes Arya’s parents angry because everything is a fake. Fani decided to left and Arya just knew that there is something in his feeling about Fani. Arya try to get to Fani but everything is too late.

Will Arya get Fani back? what will happen between him with Amara? who will be picked by his parents?


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