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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

The Messengers

Casts : Penelope Ann Miller, Dylan McDermott, Kristen Stewart

A troubled family from Chicago moves to an abandoned old farmhouse, where an entire family up and vanished many years ago, so they can start-over. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Well, it would seem that the house is (*gasp*) haunted! However, the only ones capable of seeing the violent specters lurking in the shadows are Ben (played by twins Evan and Theodore Turner), a toddler, and Jess (Kristen Stewart), a bratty teenager. After being rescued from a murder of crows, the father of the family (Dylan McDermott) makes the second smartest decision of the film and hires a greasy, unshaven vagrant (John Corbett) to work on the farm. Surprisingly, horrible things begin to happen.


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