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Pembayaran diatas jam 5 sore maka barang akan dikirim di hari berikutnya (Keesokan harinya)

Untuk memperlancar semua pesanan yang sudah masuk, Mohon dipastikan listnya benar-benar yang mau dipesan saja agar tidak bolak-balik konfirmasi dan menghambat pesanan lainnya

Pengiriman akan dilakukan jam 9 malam tiap harinya

Thanks and Happy Shopping,

02 Juni 2011

A Perfect Getaway

Casts : Milla Jovovich, Steve Zahn, Chris Hemsworth, Marley Shelton, Dale Dickey, Timothy Olyphant

Newlywed Hollywood Screenwriter Cliff Anderson and his wife, Cydney, head off to Hawaii for their honey-moon. After obtaining permits they drive a rented car and encounter hostile hitch-hikers, Cleo and Kale. They subsequently come to find out that police have discovered a brutally murdered couple with their teeth and nails removed. Cliff and Cydney then encounter war-vet Nick and his girlfriend, Gina, and together the four trek their way towards a popular beach. It will not take them long to realize that both Nick and Gina are a little odd, but before they could decide to separate from them, they find themselves confronted by Kale and Cleo, as well as unknown stalkers.


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