
Silahkan memilih DVD yang akan dipesan, konfirmasi judul film ke kami agar di check kesediaan DVD yang dipilih & Berikan alamat serta nama Penerima paket, Jika sudah selesai konfirmasi sudah ada maka transaksi sudah bisa dilakukan.

Kami menyediakan 2 pilihan pembayaran yakni :
- Transfer via Bank BCA
- Transfer via Bank Mandiri

Pembayaran diatas jam 5 sore maka barang akan dikirim di hari berikutnya (Keesokan harinya)

Untuk memperlancar semua pesanan yang sudah masuk, Mohon dipastikan listnya benar-benar yang mau dipesan saja agar tidak bolak-balik konfirmasi dan menghambat pesanan lainnya

Pengiriman akan dilakukan jam 9 malam tiap harinya

Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011



Casts : Yasuda Shota, Okura Tadayoshi, Kuninaka Ryoko

Recently built on an artificial island, the (fictional) Tokyo Bay International Airport is equipped with the most advanced security system in the world, known as ROMES. To celebrate the airport’s first anniversary, a gold statue called the “Goddess of Temptation” is placed on display at the airport. After an international group of thieves called Silverfox issues a challenge to the airport and begins exploiting the ROMES system, the director requests assistance from the brilliant Narishima Yuya, who knows the system the best out of anyone. Yuya’s team of experts is assigned to combat this dangerous organization, which continues to escalate its activities. Meanwhile, Yuya himself has a different reason for coming to the airport…


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