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01 Juni 2011


Casts : Ge You, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Bingbing, Wang Xueqi

For generations, the Zhao family has wielded power, even extending over the king. In a well-planned coup, their mortal enemy TU’AN GU (Wang Xue Qi) slaughters the entire clan, determined to wipe out their influence forever. However, a solitary Zhao baby survives the massacre, and is hidden and taken home by CHENG YING (Ge You), the doctor who delivered him, to live with his WIFE (Hai Qing) and their own newborn baby.

Tu’an Gu orders the seizure of every infant in the city, vowing to kill them all unless the Zhao baby is surrendered. When the tyrant’s soldiers arrive at Cheng Ying’s home, they take him from the arms of the doctor’s wife. The frantic doctor hides his wife and their baby at the house of a friend of the Zhaos, but when they’re discovered, Tu’an Gu assumes Cheng’s baby is the Zhao heir and murders the boy and his mother.

Set on revenge, and raising the Zhao child as his own, Cheng Ying bides his time, enrolling himself and the Zhao orphan (whom he calls Cheng Bo) into the service of the Tu’an Gu household. Tu’ an Gu grows very fond of Cheng Bo and makes Cheng Bo his godson, unaware that Cheng Ying has been plotting to use the boy as an instrument of vengeance when he comes of age.

But as the day of reckoning draws closer, Tu’an Gu discovers the Cheng Bo’s true identity…


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