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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

Second Virgin


Casts : Hiroki Hasegawa, Kyoka Suzuki, Kusabue Mitsuko, Danta Yasunori, Kyoko Fukada

Nakamura Rui is a well-known, formidable, hotshot producer in the publishing world. She has produced a string of bestsellers through ruthless stratagem and shrewdness, as well as won the confidence of Magaki Shugetsu, a leading figure in the literary world. Working together with Mukai Hajime, the company president, Rui has propel their small publishing house, Shinkaisha, to become the largest in the industry.

One day, she meets a young man from the Financial Services Agency called Suzuki Kou at a wine party. Kou soon resigns from the government agency and starts a globally competitive stock brokerage firm. Rui, who takes interest in Kou?s passionate desire for a reform of Japan?s financial market, orchestrates the publication of his book. Before long, the book is published. Rui keeps her distance from Kou, but on the contrary, is aggressively pursued by him. She is bewildered by the pursuit of this much younger man. Meanwhile, a young couple moves into the house next to Rui?s ?


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