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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

Secret Sunday

Casts : Siraphan Wattanajinda, James Mackie, Penpak Sirikul, Paradorn Sirakowit

According to his mother’s request, Nat, a young architect, unwillingly takes a journey to visit 9 different temples in order to clean up his bad karma. He is accompanied by Poon, his beautiful columnist girlfriend, and Sujitto, a young novice monk.

All three characters have different purposes for taking this trip. But later they discover that they were put together for an unforeseeable reason. The karma of one person can effect the karma of others as well. Horrifying acts done in their previous lives reveal themselves as the journey goes by. The more they try to clean up Nat’s bad karma by making merit, the closer they get to them. This journey is going to change their faith forever. How is Nat going to clean up his own mess? Would Nat be forgiven? How can an act of making merit overcome relentless vengeance?


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