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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

A Supemumemary Candidate

Casts : Nicky Wu, Wang Du, Xu Xi Yan, Kuo Siang

The Film is set in the Warring State Period of China. The Zhao state period of China. The Zhao states ubvades tge cuty state of Liang. Ge Li, a Mohist, comes to Liang to help defend the city, without permission from Mohist Leaders. The King of Liang had planned for peace talks with the invaders but Ge Li fired a modified arrow that double it range, promising the invaders a battle.

Rallying the city, he warns the people of Liang of the dangers of surrendering to the invading Zhao army and promised the king that the invaders would give up on Liang if they failed to take the city within a month , because their main target is the kingdom of Yan.


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