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Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011


Casts : Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell, Michelle Rodriguez

The Special Weapons and Tactical division of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is the most honored and respected unit in the entire world. When two cops, Officers Jim Street and Brian Gamble foil a bank robbery holdup by shooting a female hostage, the two are kicked out of SWAT, stashing them into the “gun cage”.

Six months later, Street’s ex-friend Gamble is gone, and so is his future until one day an cop arrives to give Street a second chance at redemption by putting him back on SWAT. That man is veteran Sergeant Dan ‘Hondo’ Harrelson, an Old School boss cop who think second chances are just a-OK.

Now Hondo, Street, and the new SWAT team consisting of: Michael Boxer, T.J. McCabe, Deacon ‘Deke’ Kaye, and a female cop, Christina ‘Chris’ Sanchez, has a big mission: escorting Alex Montel, a international fugitive and serial killer to a federal prison in the California desert, but problems get in the way along the way including two fake cops breaking the detainee out, offering $100 Million on live TV to street gangs who can get Montel out, and worse, Gamble and McCabe getting him to safety. Can the SWAT team take down Montel and can Street finish the score with Gamble?


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