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Kami menyediakan 2 pilihan pembayaran yakni :
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Pembayaran diatas jam 5 sore maka barang akan dikirim di hari berikutnya (Keesokan harinya)

Untuk memperlancar semua pesanan yang sudah masuk, Mohon dipastikan listnya benar-benar yang mau dipesan saja agar tidak bolak-balik konfirmasi dan menghambat pesanan lainnya

Pengiriman akan dilakukan jam 9 malam tiap harinya

Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

The Tournament

Casts : Ving Rhames, Robert Carlyle, Kelly Hu

Every seven years a tournament takes place in an unsuspecting town where 30 of the world’s deadliest killers battle to see who is best and for the ten million dollar cash prize. Returning champion Joshau Harlow (Ving Rhames) is back because he has been informed that one of this year’s contestants is responsible for the death of his wife. Each contestant has a tracking marker surgically implanted inside them so that they (and the viewers) can track their opponents.

A parkour style assassin (Sebastien Foucan from Casino Royale) cuts out his tracker and ditches it in a cup of coffee which is then drunk and swallowed by alcoholic Father Joseph Macavoy (Robert Carlyle). Chinese assassin Lai Lai Zen (Kelly Hu) realizes quickly that Joseph Macavoy is not a player and decides to keep him alive.


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