
Silahkan memilih DVD yang akan dipesan, konfirmasi judul film ke kami agar di check kesediaan DVD yang dipilih & Berikan alamat serta nama Penerima paket, Jika sudah selesai konfirmasi sudah ada maka transaksi sudah bisa dilakukan.

Kami menyediakan 2 pilihan pembayaran yakni :
- Transfer via Bank BCA
- Transfer via Bank Mandiri

Pembayaran diatas jam 5 sore maka barang akan dikirim di hari berikutnya (Keesokan harinya)

Untuk memperlancar semua pesanan yang sudah masuk, Mohon dipastikan listnya benar-benar yang mau dipesan saja agar tidak bolak-balik konfirmasi dan menghambat pesanan lainnya

Pengiriman akan dilakukan jam 9 malam tiap harinya

Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

Who Are You

Casts : Sinjai Plengpanich, Kanya Rattanapetch

Haunted Room is based on real symptom/phenomena among teenagers in Japan known as Hikkikomori (acute Social Withdrawal). Nida is a DVD vendor, the mother of Ton a boy with severe psychological disorder called Hikkikomori. He has locked himself in his room for the past 5 years, not going anywhere or meeting anyone. The only way to communicate with him is through written notes slipped under the door.

This mysterious behavior drew a lot of interest and attention from the neighbors. The curiosity and concern lead to an investigation to answer a terrifying question, Is it actually Ton that is still in the room or something else?


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