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Pengiriman akan dilakukan jam 9 malam tiap harinya

Thanks and Happy Shopping,

01 Juni 2011

Wind Blast

Casts : Xia Yu, Duan Yihong, Andy Lau

Gao Qunshu’s new film, “Wind Blast” (“Xi Feng Lie”) involves four cops, two killers, one fugitive and his pregnant girlfriend, and their confrontations with each other in a desert.

Four highly skilled policemen, nicknamed Leopard, Mastiff, Shepherd (Antelope) and Yak for their similarities with the animals’ (Leopard is a fast runner, for example), are assigned to chase down a man who has killed a big name and is on the run with his girlfriend. The policemen soon find that their target has other pursuers – two brutal bounty hunters.

Moviegoers can expect to see a star-studded cast flesh out a tensely-paced action movie rife with gunshots and explosion scenes.

Pre-screenings have triggered comments that director Gao Qunshu has copied Hollywood’s Western movies. Gao responded in an interview with China Daily, “I am not copying Hollywood. I am learning from it and using it in my own way.”

Gao’s previous films include “Tokyo Trial” (“Dongjing Shenpan”) and “The Message” (“Feng Sheng”).


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