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01 Juni 2011

The Jade and The Pearl

Casts : Raymond Lam, Charlene Choi, Joey Yung, Cho-lam Wong

Princess Yan (Charlene Choi) is appointed to be the consort of the Fan State. During her journey there, she and her military escort, General Cheng (Raymond Lam), are constantly getting each other into trouble. Gradually, they fall in love. Despite their forbidden love, Princess Yan and General Cheng exchange love tokens – a pearl from Yan’s dowry and an emerald of Cheng’s family heritage.

When they are attacked by a lady brigand, Princess Yan falls down from a high cliff and loses her memory. Not knowing she is a princess, she lives as a commoner. General Cheng is taken to the brigand fortress by the lady brigand chieftain, Zhu Sanniang (Joey Yung).

With his knowledge and expertise, the brigand fortress thrives and Zhu begins to fall for him. Things take a turn when General Shang found Princess Yan as a commoner and discovers that not only has she lost her memory, but that she has fallen in love with Ling Gankai (Wong Cho Lam), who rescued her when she fell down the cliff.


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