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01 Juni 2011

Meteor Butterfly Sword 2010

Casts : Liu De Kai, Baron Chen, Victor Huang, Rebecca Wang

Adapted from Gu Long’s novel of same title, “A shooting star burns but briefly, but while it burns what other star in the heavens is as bright, as brilliant. When a shooting star appears not even the stars in the enduring constellations can match its light. The life of a butterfly is delicate even more fragile than flowers, but alas it lives only in the spring. It is beauty, it is freedom, it is flight.

Although its life is short it is fragrant. Only swords, in comparison are eternal. A swordsman holds his light, his brilliance and light in his hands, but should the sword feel emotion will its brilliance be as short as that of a meteor.” The novel touches on the themes of life, love and ambition and what is endured, betrayed and sacrificed to achieve each.


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