1pc Rp. 6.000
order 10pcs bonus 1 pcs
How to order:
* Please PM / SMS / YM / fuel / Email / Phone the title you want and wait for confirmation from me.
* Format Film: DTX / OD DTS = ORI, ORI R1 = R5 = 95% Fig Light, Text Not bad, OD = Text & Voice Fig ok yet, DTS = Sound Ok, SCR = Fig & Sounds Bad.
* When you are OK please transfer
* Confirmation of payment please SMS or IM with the format Name, Address, No. Tel, Bank Transfer Value +
* Goods will be shipped as soon as we receive confirmation and best to be checked depending on the load shipments that day.
* Price does not include SHIPPING. (For areas jabodetabek please see above)
* For Shipping Rates can be viewed at www.jne.co.id
* The number of DVDs can sometimes change depending on the mold from the factory. Excess or lack thereof be the responsibility of the buyer.
* For conditions of depleted stock of who we are waiting for reprints can replace with another title in accordance with an agreement with the buyer or refund the already paid a number of deficiencies that disk.
Payment via BCA or Mandiri
Account will be sent via email / SMS.
Delivery using TIKI JNE
For reservations please contact:
YM : bl_ue_mail_nih@yahoo.co.id
Email :
HP : 0838 9552 9552 / 021-997 69 699 ESIA
RULES Currency
* DVD that will be in exchange must be in a state smoothly without a beret like when we send to you.
* If there is a defect from the factory DVD can not be exchanged for back (eg no its episode 7, episode 11 contains a movie or other)
* DVD can be exchange if there are stuck in the middle, or a particular episode can not be played. Just send a cd problem.
* Post back the goods returan borne by the buyer, or can combine with the next order.
2x * If you've sent is still a problem or not satisfied can be replaced with some other titles but the next postage borne by Buyer.
* DVD can not be on the exchange if due to a problem DO NOT LIKE the story.
* DVD can not be exchange if for image quality does not fit in want. Please note the instructions above Format Film superscript How to Order.
* DVD can not be exchange if for no suitable player. Because before we send must have a test on our player
* All the complaints we received no later than one week after receipt. If there is no confirmation of receipt of goods from the buyer, it is time we count one week after the delivery receipt issued JNE. In this case the buyer shall bear the postage for shipping back the goods.
Silahkan memilih DVD yang akan dipesan, konfirmasi judul film ke kami agar di check kesediaan DVD yang dipilih & Berikan alamat serta nama Penerima paket, Jika sudah selesai konfirmasi sudah ada maka transaksi sudah bisa dilakukan.
Kami menyediakan 2 pilihan pembayaran yakni :
- Transfer via Bank BCA
- Transfer via Bank Mandiri
Pembayaran diatas jam 5 sore maka barang akan dikirim di hari berikutnya (Keesokan harinya)
Untuk memperlancar semua pesanan yang sudah masuk, Mohon dipastikan listnya benar-benar yang mau dipesan saja agar tidak bolak-balik konfirmasi dan menghambat pesanan lainnya
Pengiriman akan dilakukan jam 9 malam tiap harinya
Thanks and Happy Shopping,
Order and Return