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11 April 2011

Xia Yin Ji


Casts : Vincent Jiao en Jun, Hongjian Tao, Wang Siyi, Qi Fang, Xia Chengji

Ming revelation years, a traitor in power, people in deep water。 Donglin desire to root out official sin, brutally Daughter of the disaster, the critical moment of young patrons servant Masha Qi Ren would like to flee to carry dangerous place。 Did not want to, but because Ren-two who is willing to carry this terrible secret into greater crisis。 Way line to, suffering heavy, Credit goes to martial arts after Zhongliang human Dong Yang Qing, flowers aunt, who help, escaped step murderous intention。 Hunting camp master or the servant of God machine shadow killer YE long deceived by the traitor, blind loyalty and the court, an unknown good and evil, innocent list of deadly abuses. In the kill process, YE shadow and Masha Qi, Ren-ready, Dong Yang Qing, and others from the evil to the acquaintance with the final sentiment for the truth, justice and the common path to complete the loyal wishes, the elimination of the official sin


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